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Can Chiropractic Help?
If areas of abnormal
spinal function are identified, your doctor will
recommend a chiropractic care program of spinal
adjustments. Your plan of care is based upon your age,
condition, lifestyle, and unique spinal problem(s).
The primary course of
care will be specific chiropractic adjustments. This
will help return individual spinal bones to their proper
motion and position. There are hundreds of ways of using
carefully directed and controlled pressure to restore
better position and motion to "stuck" or fixated spinal
joints. This may require a quick thrust, or in other
instances a slow, constant pressure. Sometimes, only one
area of the spine is adjusted, and other times the
entire spine will receive attention.
Some doctors use only their hands, while others will use
special tables or instruments. Sometimes, the patient's
own body weight is used. Every doctor has a preference
based on training, clinical experience, and the
particular spinal problem of the patient.
Some adjusting approaches can result in a faint
"popping" sound. This sound is created by the shifting
of gas and fluids in the joint. The presence or
"loudness" of this sound has little meaning and varies
with each patient.
Your doctor may recommend
additional procedures or suggest other ways to help
reduce inflammation, provide relief, or enhance the
healing process. These may include ice, heat, muscle and
soft tissue rehabilitation, nutritional advice,
exercises, or other procedures.
Chiropractic adjustments
are safer than aspirin, muscle relaxers, and back
surgery. Dozens of research studies have documented the
safety and effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments.
When compared with traditional approaches, chiropractic
care is remarkably safe. In fact, millions of
chiropractic adjustment are safely delivered to
satisfied patients every day!
TECHNIQUE, million of patients have been delighted with
the results of the chiropractic care since chiropractic
was discovered in 1895.